Monday, 19 July 2010


Inception – 2010, Christopher Nolan

It’s difficult to talk about what makes Inception so good without spoiling it for those who haven’t seen it, and to declare that there isn’t a massive Sixth Sense style twist at the end doesn’t spoil it. In fact, as intricate as the film’s plot is, it’s refreshingly simple. The story is good enough without some huge about-face at the end. There is a little predictable ambiguity, but that can be forgiven.

The essence of Inception’s greatness is that it straddles the line between risk taking intelligence and studio pleasing big summer release. Nolan’s Batman films are praised for being popcorn blockbusters that don’t underestimate the audience and Inception is the same. During the second half of the film there are four storylines all taking place at the same time. It would sound complicated to explain, but when you watch it, it isn’t remotely difficult to follow. The script was years in the making and it shows, if only every film was allowed to stick to the original screenplay so rigidly, films like Hancock and Clash Of The Titans would hold themselves together better. There’s been a bit of ‘will inception flop’ talk bouncing around the internet which will doubtless be bollocks, Inception is too good to fail.

The film runs for over two hours but I don’t think it ever gets boring. This is partly because of the aforementioned multiple stories but also because of the supporting cast who are all more compelling to watch than DiCaprio. Leo gets a lot of knocking and I don’t like to criticise him for no reason. His performance in Inception is very understated considering the character he plays. Like I say, I won’t spoil it, but if you watch Inception, take a moment to think about Leo’s character afterwards, and try to imagine how any actor could play a character who has experienced all those things.

I suppose someone had to do it, and I can’t actually think of another contemporary leading man who would have done better. DiCaprios’s presence is like Joseph Gorden-Levitt’s hairstyle; slightly off-putting but necessary.

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