Saturday, 12 March 2011

The Social Network

The Social Network - 2010, David Fincher


  1. Nicely done T. I found it an enjoyable watch but no way deserving of Oscar hype. The praise of Fincher is bewildering as he is on autopilot here - chucks in an odd sequence at the regatta because he is bored presumably? I'm a great fan of his - seven, fight club and the underrated panic room all showcase his talents far more effectively than this. I was stunned this received higher acclaim than Inception (best and most intelligent Hollywood blockbuster for many years) and 127hours which combined great acting with mesmerising direction.

  2. Totally agree about Fincher. Someone just chucked him a well written script and a fat pile of cash to phone in a film. Anyone could have made this film. I thought it was ok though.
